Why, why, WHY would you bust such a weak nut like that into such a scorching hot milf like her? I mean, really? Just the first inch or two of your cock and a split second after you shoot, you pull out and try to finish by stroking it? (SMH) If I was in that guy's place, I'd rock Victoria into an entire-body orgasm and then pop my load, pushing into that gorgeous pussy of hers as far in as I could like I was trying to keep it in there permanently. That way, it would stay with her throughout the day and seep out here and there to soak through her pussy and into her panties. This way, she'd feel her panties being soaked with my cum and she'd get all horny again to where she'd come running back for more. And she'd get it too. Cowgirl, spoon, doggie, missionary, prone, standing, you name it. But I wouldn't nut into her for just an inch or so. So whoever needs to hear this, hear it now and hear it well: NO WEAK NUTS. If it calls for a creampie, you go in that shit like Charles Bronson in The Great Escape; I'm talking about digging tunnels. And just so you know, I'm available for first-hand demonstrations, Miss Victoria.
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Why, why, WHY would you bust such a weak nut like that into such a scorching hot milf like her?

I mean, really? Just the first inch or two of your cock and a split second after you shoot, you pull out and try
to finish by stroking it? (SMH)
If I was in that guy's place, I'd rock Victoria into an entire-body orgasm and then pop my load, pushing into that
gorgeous pussy of hers as far in as I could like I was trying to keep it in there permanently. That way, it would
stay with her throughout the day and seep out here and there to soak through her pussy and into her panties.
This way, she'd feel her panties being soaked with my cum and she'd get all horny again to where she'd come
running back for more. And she'd get it too. Cowgirl, spoon, doggie, missionary, prone, standing, you name it.
But I wouldn't nut into her for just an inch or so.
So whoever needs to hear this, hear it now and hear it well: NO WEAK NUTS.
If it calls for a creampie, you go in that shit like Charles Bronson in The Great Escape; I'm talking about digging tunnels.
And just so you know, I'm available for first-hand demonstrations, Miss Victoria.