- Title: MommysBoy - RayVeness 【Sketchy Behavior】 - Synopsis: RayVeness is talking with a friend on the phone when her StepSon, Rico Hernandez, comes into the Rm. Unbeknownst to her, he seems to be drawing something in his sketchbook while gazing perceptively at her. In fact, Rico is currently studying at a fine arts college, but what possibly could he be drawing right now?
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- Title: MommysBoy - RayVeness 【Sketchy Behavior】
- Synopsis: RayVeness is talking with a friend on the phone when her StepSon, Rico Hernandez, comes into the Rm. Unbeknownst to her, he seems to be drawing something in his sketchbook while gazing perceptively at her. In fact, Rico is currently studying at a fine arts college, but what possibly could he be drawing right now?
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