- Title: MyPervyFamily - Kelsey Kane 【Thank U, StepDaddy!! I Feel Like I Owe U】 - Synopsis: Sun’s out, buns out... Right?!... Wrong!!... Kelsey Kane is grounded, & she isn’t allowed to go anywhere. But big fuckin’ deal, sneaking out is how she got grounded in the 1st place. Round 2!!... Kelsey Kane is almost home-free when her StepDad (A.K.A. Filthy Rich) catches her, & sends her directly to her Rm. Kelsey Kane is clearly bummed out when her StepDad goes to talk to her - Big doe eyes & pouty lips all day long. Rich gets to feeling bad about it, & decides to let Kelsey Kane have an afternoon of freedom at the beach. Kelsey Kane is ecstatic, & can’t contain her happiness. She wants to reward her StepDad & pulls out her perky little tits to show him. Rich is awe-struck & even more so when Kelsey Kane shows him her nice, juicy ass. She wants to suck her StepDad’s cock to thank him. Rich can’t resist, & he begins to push his StepDaughter’s head down on his fat cock. Rich spreads his StepDaughter wide for a deep-dickin’ & she loves every min. of it, nearly cumming W. every thrust. Her pussy is stretched wide open from her StepDad’s thick dick. Rich makes his StepDaughter cum repeatedly B4 he gives her a facial!!... Kelsey Kane remains grateful, as she slurps up her StepDad’s nut!!...
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- Title: MyPervyFamily - Kelsey Kane 【Thank U, StepDaddy!! I Feel Like I Owe U】
- Synopsis: Sun’s out, buns out... Right?!... Wrong!!... Kelsey Kane is grounded, & she isn’t allowed to go anywhere. But big fuckin’ deal, sneaking out is how she got grounded in the 1st place. Round 2!!... Kelsey Kane is almost home-free when her StepDad (A.K.A. Filthy Rich) catches her, & sends her directly to her Rm. Kelsey Kane is clearly bummed out when her StepDad goes to talk to her - Big doe eyes & pouty lips all day long. Rich gets to feeling bad about it, & decides to let Kelsey Kane have an afternoon of freedom at the beach. Kelsey Kane is ecstatic, & can’t contain her happiness. She wants to reward her StepDad & pulls out her perky little tits to show him. Rich is awe-struck & even more so when Kelsey Kane shows him her nice, juicy ass. She wants to suck her StepDad’s cock to thank him. Rich can’t resist, & he begins to push his StepDaughter’s head down on his fat cock. Rich spreads his StepDaughter wide for a deep-dickin’ & she loves every min. of it, nearly cumming W. every thrust. Her pussy is stretched wide open from her StepDad’s thick dick. Rich makes his StepDaughter cum repeatedly B4 he gives her a facial!!... Kelsey Kane remains grateful, as she slurps up her StepDad’s nut!!...