- Alternative Title: GirlsWay - Alison Rey, Lilly Bell, & Maya Woulfe 【Maybe U Should Give Girls A Try 【Cheeky Lesbians 【Pt. II】 - Synopsis: Maya Woulfe is feeling down because she just broke up W. her Bf. Her 2 BFFs (A.K.A. Alison Rey & Lilly Bell), arrive to comfort her. As they talk, it’s revealed that Maya Woulfe has had a string of bad relationships. Maya Woulfe questions why she can’t find a guy who’ll remember her B-Day, & isn’t afraid of sharing feelings, & who won't leave her wanting in bed. Alison Rey & Lilly Bell... Who R both lesbians, point out that the reason why Maya Woulfe can’t find a guy like that’s because she just described a WOMAN!!... Alison Rey & Lilly Bell suggest that Maya Woulfe should consider dating women. Maya Woulfe is taken aback, reminding them that she’s straight. But Maya Woulfe’s friends R undeterred, as they encourage Maya Woulfe to broaden her horizons. Maya Woulfe is hesitant at 1st, but starts to seem tempted. However, Maya Woulfe doesn’t want to just jump right into getting a Gf, so she’d rather start W. a hook-up 1st... But she isn’t sure she wants to experiment W. a stranger. That’s when Alison Rey & Lilly Bell helpfully offer to give Maya Woulfe her 1st lesbian experience!!...
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- Alternative Title: GirlsWay - Alison Rey, Lilly Bell, & Maya Woulfe 【Maybe U Should Give Girls A Try 【Cheeky Lesbians 【Pt. II】
- Synopsis: Maya Woulfe is feeling down because she just broke up W. her Bf. Her 2 BFFs (A.K.A. Alison Rey & Lilly Bell), arrive to comfort her. As they talk, it’s revealed that Maya Woulfe has had a string of bad relationships. Maya Woulfe questions why she can’t find a guy who’ll remember her B-Day, & isn’t afraid of sharing feelings, & who won't leave her wanting in bed. Alison Rey & Lilly Bell... Who R both lesbians, point out that the reason why Maya Woulfe can’t find a guy like that’s because she just described a WOMAN!!... Alison Rey & Lilly Bell suggest that Maya Woulfe should consider dating women. Maya Woulfe is taken aback, reminding them that she’s straight. But Maya Woulfe’s friends R undeterred, as they encourage Maya Woulfe to broaden her horizons. Maya Woulfe is hesitant at 1st, but starts to seem tempted. However, Maya Woulfe doesn’t want to just jump right into getting a Gf, so she’d rather start W. a hook-up 1st... But she isn’t sure she wants to experiment W. a stranger. That’s when Alison Rey & Lilly Bell helpfully offer to give Maya Woulfe her 1st lesbian experience!!...