- Alternative Title: GirlsWay - Gizelle Blanco & Penelope Kay 【Hold The Phone: Cheeky Church Girls 【Cheeky Lesbians 【Pt. I】 - Synopsis: 2 church girls (A.K.A. Gizelle Blanco & Penelope Kay) get together at Penelope Kay’s house to seemingly talk about Penelope Kay’s upcoming baptism, & their plans for a church bake sale. They initially seem wholesome, but it becomes clear they’re actually mischievous... Having lied to Penelope Kay’s parents to be alone together!!... Now that they’re alone, they reveal that they’re actually hanging out so that they can have sex!!... They eagerly taste each other’s lips... Then, get undressed & fondle each other. But as Gizelle Blanco is eating out Penelope Kay’s pussy, they’re suddenly interrupted by a phone call!!... It’s revealed that the person on the phone is their Pastor... Checking in about Penelope Kay’s baptism. Penelope Kay instantly plays up being innocent again... While Gizelle Blanco naughtily continues to get frisky W. Penelope Kay while she’s still on the phone!!...
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- Alternative Title: GirlsWay - Gizelle Blanco & Penelope Kay 【Hold The Phone: Cheeky Church Girls 【Cheeky Lesbians 【Pt. I】
- Synopsis: 2 church girls (A.K.A. Gizelle Blanco & Penelope Kay) get together at Penelope Kay’s house to seemingly talk about Penelope Kay’s upcoming baptism, & their plans for a church bake sale. They initially seem wholesome, but it becomes clear they’re actually mischievous... Having lied to Penelope Kay’s parents to be alone together!!... Now that they’re alone, they reveal that they’re actually hanging out so that they can have sex!!... They eagerly taste each other’s lips... Then, get undressed & fondle each other. But as Gizelle Blanco is eating out Penelope Kay’s pussy, they’re suddenly interrupted by a phone call!!... It’s revealed that the person on the phone is their Pastor... Checking in about Penelope Kay’s baptism. Penelope Kay instantly plays up being innocent again... While Gizelle Blanco naughtily continues to get frisky W. Penelope Kay while she’s still on the phone!!...