- Title: TabooHeat - Lexi Victoria & Melanie Hicks 【Fire 3Some】 - Synopsis: I (A.K.A. Luke Longly) walk into my StepDaughter (A.K.A. Lexi Victoria)’s bedroom, & I find my wife (A.K.A. Melanie Hicks), hooking up W. her!!... “Our StepDaughter has been filling me in on the 2 of U hooking up lately!!”... Melanie Hicks gasps as she looks right at me. “Only a few times”, I whisper. Lexi Victoria tells me that she wants me to join them & have a 3Some!!... Melanie Hicks moves into the doggystyle position in front of me, & I start to fuck Melanie Hicks’s pussy from behind while she kisses Lexi Victoria. Melanie Hicks moves into the missionary position, & I fuck her pussy while Lexi Victoria licks her nipples. Lexi Victoria licks my cock clean, & then I go back to fucking Melanie Hicks’s pussy. Lexi Victoria moves into the doggystyle position, & I fuck her pussy from behind next. A few mins. later, Lexi Victoria flips over into the missionary position, & I fuck her pussy some more. I want to fuck my wife’s pussy again, so Melanie Hicks lies down on her back in front of me next. I fuck Melanie Hicks’s pussy in the missionary position until I’m ready to cum. Then, I jerk my cock off into Lexi Victoria’s mouth & on her face!!... Some of the cum squirts on to Lexi Victoria’s shoulder, & Melanie Hicks picks my cum up W. her finger & puts it into her mouth!!...
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- Title: TabooHeat - Lexi Victoria & Melanie Hicks 【Fire 3Some】
- Synopsis: I (A.K.A. Luke Longly) walk into my StepDaughter (A.K.A. Lexi Victoria)’s bedroom, & I find my wife (A.K.A. Melanie Hicks), hooking up W. her!!... “Our StepDaughter has been filling me in on the 2 of U hooking up lately!!”... Melanie Hicks gasps as she looks right at me. “Only a few times”, I whisper. Lexi Victoria tells me that she wants me to join them & have a 3Some!!... Melanie Hicks moves into the doggystyle position in front of me, & I start to fuck Melanie Hicks’s pussy from behind while she kisses Lexi Victoria. Melanie Hicks moves into the missionary position, & I fuck her pussy while Lexi Victoria licks her nipples. Lexi Victoria licks my cock clean, & then I go back to fucking Melanie Hicks’s pussy. Lexi Victoria moves into the doggystyle position, & I fuck her pussy from behind next. A few mins. later, Lexi Victoria flips over into the missionary position, & I fuck her pussy some more. I want to fuck my wife’s pussy again, so Melanie Hicks lies down on her back in front of me next. I fuck Melanie Hicks’s pussy in the missionary position until I’m ready to cum. Then, I jerk my cock off into Lexi Victoria’s mouth & on her face!!... Some of the cum squirts on to Lexi Victoria’s shoulder, & Melanie Hicks picks my cum up W. her finger & puts it into her mouth!!...