- Title: JapanHDV - Mio Hutaba & Nanako Asahina 【Have A Good Time Togerher 【Pt. I】 - Synopsis: U already know Mio Hutaba from the previous scenes that she had on our site. & U know that she’s so comfortable working W. other women in 3Somes. That’s why we wanted her in this lesbian scene, in which she welcomed a new girl (A.K.A Nanako Asahina). & what’s so good about this scene is the fact that both these girls have real lesbian feelings for each other. U’ll see that from the way they kiss B4 everything else. They close their eyes & let themselves be carried away by lust. U can see that Mio Hutaba is way more experienced & older. That’s because she’s the dominant lesbian in this encounter, & let’s her younger friend worship her tits for starters. She enjoys having those hard nipples licked & sucked. But she knows to return the favor on the smaller & younger titties of Nanako Asahina. The girls then get back to kissing, but they use their hands on each other’s pussies. & U’ll go crazy when U hear them moan when they kiss. A pussy licking session is the only natural thing that should follow. & the girls take turns making each other cum W. their tongues. But the best orgasms only come when they bring out the toys. They start easy W. bullet vibrators on their wet & hairy pussies. However, the big ending is when the girls take 2 dildos for a nice stretching session. It’s so nice to watch these 2 gorgeous babes cum at the same time. - Series: Naked Beauties - Scene II: JapanHDV - Mio Hutaba & Nanako Asahina 【Finally Get The Gangbang They Need 【Pt. II】 - Movie Code: Caribbeancom-110217-530 - Alternative Title: Gangpang W. 2 Naked Beauties
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- Title: JapanHDV - Mio Hutaba & Nanako Asahina 【Have A Good Time Togerher 【Pt. I】
- Synopsis: U already know Mio Hutaba from the previous scenes that she had on our site. & U know that she’s so comfortable working W. other women in 3Somes. That’s why we wanted her in this lesbian scene, in which she welcomed a new girl (A.K.A Nanako Asahina). & what’s so good about this scene is the fact that both these girls have real lesbian feelings for each other. U’ll see that from the way they kiss B4 everything else. They close their eyes & let themselves be carried away by lust. U can see that Mio Hutaba is way more experienced & older. That’s because she’s the dominant lesbian in this encounter, & let’s her younger friend worship her tits for starters. She enjoys having those hard nipples licked & sucked. But she knows to return the favor on the smaller & younger titties of Nanako Asahina. The girls then get back to kissing, but they use their hands on each other’s pussies. & U’ll go crazy when U hear them moan when they kiss. A pussy licking session is the only natural thing that should follow. & the girls take turns making each other cum W. their tongues. But the best orgasms only come when they bring out the toys. They start easy W. bullet vibrators on their wet & hairy pussies. However, the big ending is when the girls take 2 dildos for a nice stretching session. It’s so nice to watch these 2 gorgeous babes cum at the same time.
- Series: Naked Beauties
- Scene II: JapanHDV - Mio Hutaba & Nanako Asahina 【Finally Get The Gangbang They Need 【Pt. II】
- Movie Code: Caribbeancom-110217-530
- Alternative Title: Gangpang W. 2 Naked Beauties