- Title: JapanHDV - Shizuku Hatano 【Gets Roughed Up In Class 【Pt. I】 - Synopsis: Here’s a video that will please so many men. On the one hand, it has student uniforms. & on the other hand, it has bondage & rough sex. U’re going to love it just as much as Shizuku Hatano loved it. So many girls have fantasies about being fucked hard in class. Shizuku Hatano wanted to try a rough scene, & we had her dressed in a uniform and act innocent. Then, we invited a young bloke W. a big hard dick to use her however he wanted. He jumped on her and put cuffs on her hands. Then, he started ripping off her clothes & spreading her pussy for the camera. She got fingered & even though she screamed, she came a couple of times B4 she even saw the dick. When the dick came out, it went straight into her mouth. She got face fucked like a whore, & the young guy fucking her face showed no mercy. She sat there & let the dick go down her throat like a good little slut. After she pleased that dick W. her mouth for long, it’s time for her pussy to get stretched. She was bent over by her new dominator who penetrated her from behind W. no care. He pushed his dick into her tight little cunt, making her feel pain & pleasure at the same time. Even though she’s screaming & begging the guy to stop, her pussy was cumming so hard. She had uncontrollable orgasms. & this is just the beginning. We have something even dirtier for Shizuku Hatano!!... - Movie Code: Caribbeancom-080517-474 - Series: Uniform Club - P. S: Anyone have/can upload the full movie? - Alternative Title: Non-Stop Orgasms
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- Title: JapanHDV - Shizuku Hatano 【Gets Roughed Up In Class 【Pt. I】
- Synopsis: Here’s a video that will please so many men. On the one hand, it has student uniforms. & on the other hand, it has bondage & rough sex. U’re going to love it just as much as Shizuku Hatano loved it. So many girls have fantasies about being fucked hard in class. Shizuku Hatano wanted to try a rough scene, & we had her dressed in a uniform and act innocent. Then, we invited a young bloke W. a big hard dick to use her however he wanted. He jumped on her and put cuffs on her hands. Then, he started ripping off her clothes & spreading her pussy for the camera. She got fingered & even though she screamed, she came a couple of times B4 she even saw the dick. When the dick came out, it went straight into her mouth. She got face fucked like a whore, & the young guy fucking her face showed no mercy. She sat there & let the dick go down her throat like a good little slut. After she pleased that dick W. her mouth for long, it’s time for her pussy to get stretched. She was bent over by her new dominator who penetrated her from behind W. no care. He pushed his dick into her tight little cunt, making her feel pain & pleasure at the same time. Even though she’s screaming & begging the guy to stop, her pussy was cumming so hard. She had uncontrollable orgasms. & this is just the beginning. We have something even dirtier for Shizuku Hatano!!...
- Movie Code: Caribbeancom-080517-474
- Series: Uniform Club
- P. S: Anyone have/can upload the full movie?
- Alternative Title: Non-Stop Orgasms