- Title: JapanHDV - Chie Aoi & Kurumi Chino 【Old Friends Meet Again 4 Another Lesbian Adventure【Pt. I】 If U’ve been a fan of our site, U surely know that dirty scene in which Chie Aoi & Kurumi Chino teamed-up to femdom a lucky guy. Well... They got really close in that scene, thanks to all the lesbian kinks they did to each other. & because that scene was such a great success, we decided that these 2 deserve a special prize. We planned a whole trip for the 2 of them. A naughty get-away that’ll help them relax & explore their lesbian side in a more passionate manner. & while at it... We also filmed everything, so that U can enjoy a lesbian love story Btw 2 cute & sexy PornStars. The scene starts W. us telling the girls the good news about the resort get-away we planned. They’re very excited & hop in the car. A bit too excited, because they started getting naughty W. each other B4 they made it into the Hotel Rm. They started making out on the backseat of the car. & not just making out. They’re truly into each other & couldn’t wait to get banging, because they started worshiping each other’s tits & playing W. their pussies while the car was parked in a public place. Then, they had a nice date & something to eat B4 they moved the action into the Hotel Rm. They had a nice hot tub at their disposal, where they started enjoying each other properly. The way they kiss let’s U know that they really have feelings for each other. Dirty feelings that can only be pleased by fingering & orgasms. Which is what they’ll do in the following Eps. of this adventure!!... - Series: Lesbian Adventure - Related Scene: JapanHDV - Chie Aoi & Kurumi Chino 【The Undisclosed Scolding: Chie & Kurumi Punish Their Hater 【Caribbeancom-091317-498】 - Movie Code: Caribbeancom-080417-473 - Alternative Title: Caribbebians¦ Beautiful Lesbian Intercourse
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- Title: JapanHDV - Chie Aoi & Kurumi Chino 【Old Friends Meet Again 4 Another Lesbian Adventure【Pt. I】
If U’ve been a fan of our site, U surely know that dirty scene in which Chie Aoi & Kurumi Chino teamed-up to femdom a lucky guy. Well... They got really close in that scene, thanks to all the lesbian kinks they did to each other. & because that scene was such a great success, we decided that these 2 deserve a special prize. We planned a whole trip for the 2 of them. A naughty get-away that’ll help them relax & explore their lesbian side in a more passionate manner. & while at it... We also filmed everything, so that U can enjoy a lesbian love story Btw 2 cute & sexy PornStars. The scene starts W. us telling the girls the good news about the resort get-away we planned. They’re very excited & hop in the car. A bit too excited, because they started getting naughty W. each other B4 they made it into the Hotel Rm. They started making out on the backseat of the car. & not just making out. They’re truly into each other & couldn’t wait to get banging, because they started worshiping each other’s tits & playing W. their pussies while the car was parked in a public place. Then, they had a nice date & something to eat B4 they moved the action into the Hotel Rm. They had a nice hot tub at their disposal, where they started enjoying each other properly. The way they kiss let’s U know that they really have feelings for each other. Dirty feelings that can only be pleased by fingering & orgasms. Which is what they’ll do in the following Eps. of this adventure!!...
- Series: Lesbian Adventure
- Related Scene: JapanHDV - Chie Aoi & Kurumi Chino 【The Undisclosed Scolding: Chie & Kurumi Punish Their Hater 【Caribbeancom-091317-498】
- Movie Code: Caribbeancom-080417-473
- Alternative Title: Caribbebians¦ Beautiful Lesbian Intercourse